From the website


Important notice : the English translation is provided for information purposes only, and only the French version will take precedence over the translated version for the interpretation of the contract, which is governed by French law. The French courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction.


1.          Introduction


The website is published by the company GT2i.

The use of the website implies the prior and unreserved acceptance of these general terms of use. Failing this, the Internet user is invited to cease using the site immediately.


2.          Definitions


Capitalized terms used in these terms and conditions have the following definitions:

o   GCU: refers to the present general terms and conditions of use of the Site;

o   GTC: means the general terms and conditions of sale of the Site, which are available here: ;

o   Member Account: means the online account that must be created on the Site to place an order online via the Site, in accordance with the Site's Terms and Conditions;

o   GT2i: refers to the company GROUPE TECHNIQUE INNOVATIONS ET IMPORTATIONS GT2I, operating under the trade name GT2i, SAS registered under the number 335 062 972 in the RCS, whose registered office is located at 34 rue Jugurtha 34074 MONTPELLIER, in the person of its legal representative ;

o   Privacy Policy: means the privacy policy describing the processing of personal data by GT2i, available here:

o   Site: refers to the Internet site published by GT2i;

o   Internet user: refers to any natural person who accesses and/or uses the Site.


3.          Object


The present GTUs govern the use of the Site by Internet users.


The Site is published by GT2i, SAS registered under the number 335 062 972 in the RCS, whose registered office is located at 34 rue Jugurtha, 34074 MONTPELLIER, in France, in the person of its legal representative.

Internet users means any natural person who accesses and/or uses the Site.


4.          Update of the TOS


The GCU are put online on the Site. They can be updated at any time by GT2i .

Internet users are therefore invited to consult the GTC at each connection to the Site.

If an Internet user refuses the application of these GCU, he or she must immediately stop using the Site.


5.          Duration


These GCU govern the use of the Site by an Internet user until the end of this use. It is specified that the GCU will remain enforceable after the Internet user's disconnection to resolve any possible dispute resulting from the Internet user's past connection to the Site.


6.          Technical requirements of the Site


Connection to the Site and its use imply an Internet connection, which is the sole responsibility of the Internet user. This connection and use also require a compatible terminal (smartphone, tablet, computer, etc.).


7.          Description of the Site


The Site is an online sales website for private individuals and professionals, published by GT2i, and which allows you to buy by mail order equipment and accessories for motor racing, track days and historic competition vehicles (VHC) .

To order on the Site, the Internet user must accept without reservation the GT2i GTCs and create a Member Account, in accordance with the GTCs available here:

It is also possible to create a Member Account without placing an Order on the Site.

The creation of a Member Account implies, in either case, entering personal information and choosing a password . It is emphasised that the Internet user who creates a Member Account is responsible for the confidentiality of his/her password. This password must be personal and comply with the GT2I security requirements displayed on the Site.

This personal information is treated in accordance with the GT2i Privacy Policy available here: . Reference is made to this Privacy Policy for more comprehensive information on the processing of personal information.


8.          Intellectual property


The content of the Site is protected by intellectual property rights.

GT2i grants a free, non-exclusive, worldwide and by nature precarious right of use of the Site, including the use of its interfaces, its functionalities and the consultation of its contents, subject to compliance by the Internet User with these GCU.

It is expressly forbidden, without the prior written consent of GT2i, to reproduce, represent, exploit in any way whatsoever and for any purpose whatsoever, all or part of the Site. It is also forbidden to copy, modify, improve, edit, translate, decompile or create a work derived from the Site, subject to the limits set by law. Failure to do so may result in legal action being taken against the Internet user for infringement of copyright.


Internet users are also informed that the sign "GT2i" is a protected trademark. Any reproduction of this trademark without prior authorisation is prohibited.


9.          Privacy / Personal data


GT2i provides Internet users with a Privacy Policy intended to present its obligations and commitments in full transparency in the context of the processing of personal data that it carries out during its activity.

This policy can be found here:


10.    Cookies


When the Internet user browses the Site, GT2i is likely to collect certain data through the deposit of "cookies". Cookies are small files stored in the terminal of Internet users.

If GT2i's Site uses cookies that are not necessary and essential to the proper functioning of the Site to collect data from Internet users, they are informed in advance by a banner that appears when they first connect to the Site, and their active consent is requested.

It is emphasised that the cookies that are necessary and indispensable to the proper functioning of the Site do not require the Internet user to be informed in advance of their deposit, nor do they require the Internet user's consent. Thus, in the event of the use on the Site of cookies that are necessary and indispensable to the functioning of the Site, the Internet user will not necessarily be informed in advance. However, the Internet user shall retain the right to object to the deposit of such files on his terminal.

In any event, Internet users may limit the use of cookies directly in the settings of their browser and delete them, it being stressed that blocking and/or deleting them may logically have repercussions on the display and operation of the Site.

The GT2i Privacy Policy can be found here:


11.    Responsibility


11.1.Availability of the Site


GT2i makes every effort to make the Site available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

However, GT2i shall not be held liable for any interruptions or momentary alterations to the Site resulting in particular from maintenance, updates or a cause external to GT2i, insofar as the interruption is due in particular to the Internet network itself or the Internet user's means of connection.

GT2i shall not be held liable if it chooses to cease making the Site available to the public for its own discretionary reasons.

No compensatioń of any kind whatsoever may be granted in the event of temporary or permanent interruption of the Site, in the event of its updating and modification of its functionalities, or even in the event of loss of performance of the Site.


11.2.Hyperlinks / Third party content and services


The GT2i Site may contain hypertext links redirecting the Internet user to third-party sites.

GT2i is not responsible for the content and services of third parties to which Internet users have access through the Site, nor for the pages of third parties to which Internet users may be redirected. In this respect, GT2i acts as host and not as publisher of these third-party contents.

Internet users may nevertheless report any illegal content to which they are redirected by alerting GT2i at the following address : If the report proves to be well-founded, GT2i will act promptly to remove from the Site the links and access to the illicit content of third parties.

In any event, GT2i shall not be held liable for any special, incidental, indirect, punitive or consequential losses and/or damages or any other financial damages that may result from the use of the Site.


12.         Contact


12.1.Technical assistance


For any technical problem concerning the Site and to report illicit content, GT2i can be contacted at the following address


12.2.Request for personal data


For any question or request concerning the processing of personal data, GT2i can be contacted at the following email address:

GT2I's personal data protection officer in charge of personal data protection will respond to requests within one month of receipt. This period may nevertheless be extended by two months, depending on the complexity and number of requests.

Proof of identity may be requested.


13.         Applicable law - Disputes – Mediation


These GTUs are subject to French law, subject to the application of any mandatory rules of private international law. The language of these GTU is French.

In accordance with Article L.612-1 of the Consumer Code, the consumer, subject to Article L.612.2 of the Consumer Code, has the right to submit a request for amicable resolution by mediation, within a period of less than one year from the date of his written complaint to the trader.


This institution has designated, by membership registered under number 80242/MJ/2301, the SAS Médiation Solution as a consumer mediation entity.


In order to refer a matter to the Ombudsman, the consumer must formulate his request:


o   Or in writing to :


o    Sas Mediation Solution

o    222 chemin de la bergerie

o    01800 Saint Jean de Niost

o    Tel. 04 82 53 93 06


o   Or by mail to:

o   Or by filling in the online form entitled "Referring a matter to the Ombudsman" on the website


Whatever the means of referral used, the application must contain:


o   The applicant's postal, telephone and e-mail address,

o   The name and address and the registration number at Sas Mediation Solution of the professional concerned,

o   A brief statement of the facts. The consumer should tell the mediator what he or she wants from the mediation and why,

o   Copy of the prior claim,

o   all documents enabling the application to be examined (order form, invoice, proof of payment, etc.)



CGU Web - V1 - March 2023